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{Monday, June 19, 2006}

You're not fooling me, you know.

by Fred 12:46 PM

{Sunday, June 11, 2006}

My what?
Your Phone.
My Phone What?
Your phone is.
My phone is what?
Your phone is charged.
My phone is charged with-?
Your phone is charged with larsony.
My phone is charged with larsony by?
Your phone is charged with larsony by me.
Why is my phone charged with larsony by you?
Your phone is charged with larsony by me because of something.
My phone is charged with larsony by you because what is missing?
Your phone is charged with larsony by me because my phone is missing.
My phone is charged with larsony because your phone is missing what?
Your phone is charged with larsony because my phone is missing its mother.
Well, I give up.
No me. I could do this all day.

by MisterNihil 12:43 PM

The Process By Which

by MisterNihil 12:40 AM

{Thursday, June 01, 2006}

A Sample From the Current Project

by MisterNihil 10:13 PM


<blockquote class="topic">your topic</blockquote>